Wanderreithof Heimelsteiner
A-4363, PabneukirchenDer Wanderreithof Heimelsteiner bietet für jeden Anlass das passende Ambiente.
Ob Geburtstagsparty, Familienfeier, Weihnachtsfeier oder Firmenveranstaltung: Wir haben die passende Location und sorgen für euer leibliches Wohl!
Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie unter www.heimelsteiner.at.We spoil you with freshly cooked regional food!
Most of the produce comes from organic farms in the region. At our riding centre you can book rooms with breakfast, half board or full board, and children have free access to fruit juices at all times.
We can organise your private party and cater for you with hot meals or a buffet.
You can hire Uncle Tom's hut for romantic evenings.
You can find detailed information at www.heimelsteiner.at.